Saturday, September 3, 2011

"To Porter, With Love"

Michael E. Porter is a well known name in the field of strategic management, more so with the students’ fraternity. Although he has given valuable contribution to the field of strategy through his research papers and elaborate models, one thing which has given him the cult status is the Five –Forces model. Every MBA student swears by it and becomes a skilled proponent of it by the time he/she has spent a couple of months in the B-School. Combined with the SWOT and PESTEL analysis, Porter’s Five Forces model forms such a formidable trinity, which is capable of overhauling the most stubborn of the cases with ease and aplomb.

The Five Force model is defined to understand the behaviour of all the stakeholders onto a business and their related effects. It is divided into five areas which are:
                  1.       Competitive Rivalry within Industry
                  2.       Bargaining Power of Buyers
                  3.       Bargaining Power of Suppliers
                  4.       Threat of Substitute Products
                  5.       Threat of New Entrants

With me also being one of the (un)lucky students being imparted the skills and techniques of the corporate world, I could not stop myself from bringing this sacred piece of knowledge when writing this blog. But don’t you worry, ‘cos my premise is not at all management related which you might get bored of. Instead, it talks about something so acute that I believe it’s time we started looking at the problem with the same perspective. My inspiration has been a sudden flurry of events which happened in the past couple of months and made me sit up and take note. Firstly, one of my dear friend had a breakup with his girlfriend of yore and secondly, I had the privilege of watching Pyaar ka Punchnama (a satire at the current lot of Indian males which bestow their loyalties to their (to be or not to be) partners, and I strictly mean the opposite sex here, and the complexities they face erstwhile). Both these have forced me to analyze the situation, and as always I take refuge in the Five Forces model and would try and find a reason and a possible solution to the problem. 

Note: The analysis is from the point of view of the poor males like us, so it is requested that the fairer sex may not feel offended but take pity on us in future course of their actions.

1.     Internal Rivalry

This is a common scene everywhere. With the sex ratio of the country hovering at around 1000:940, the poor 60 males end up being with no one. Add to this the literacy rates in the females in the country and the problem raises manifolds. So we often find 3-4 friends wanting to appease the same damsel. What does it result into? Well, yes off course – internal rivalry!

2.     Bargaining Power of Buyer

Who is the buyer in all of this? The lady, off course, who’s (so called) love is being wanted here. Does she bargain? Oh, yes! She would throw tantrums, would act pricey and would ask for gigantic favours. Yes, she would not ask for stars, not because she cares, but because she knows you can’t get them. So ask her out on a date, and you’ll suddenly find yourself making plethora of trade-offs, be it the crappy movie you never wanted to see, or the hours of shopping you so detested or the bill of that expensive restaurant which would’ve bought you the new PlayStation game!

3.     Bargaining Power of Supplier

All this while, we paint the beautiful ladies in shades of grey and forget about the demonic marketers who sling the bait and wait for us to get caught (maybe, that’s why I’m doing my majors in marketing – time to pay back!). Be it Valentine’s Day, Friendship Day, New Year, (pseudo) Anniversaries, Birthdays, etc. these marketers would flood the market with stuff which the ladies would fall for resulting in a burnt hole in your pockets!

4.     Threat of New Entrants

This is the most evident problem that you face. Always living under the constant fear of being replaced by another kid on the block, keeps you all terrified and up on your toes. The worst part is that all the foundation work that is set by you is ignored and a new construction happens in no time, bulldozing your patiently constructed hut of hopes!

5.     Threat of Substitutes

Last but surely not the least is the threat of substitutes. You may ignore it, but you can never write it off. With the government recognizing the gay community throught its 377 Act, suddenly young people have started discovering their preference they never thought existed. So, you can’t be sure that the girl who was walking with you, hand in hand a month back, has another of her kind keeping her company now!

In conclusion, I would like to say that one should be beware of all the above stated factors before plunging into a relationship now days. And sincere gratitude to Mr. Porter, you bailed me out yet again!

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